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Welcome to the Raysolar Grid Tied Calculator tool. Please fill the form and hit the Submit button at the bottom of the page to estimate the size of the Solar PV system that would meet your energy requirements.
User Information
First name*
Last name*
Annual Energy Consumption (kWh)*
Review your electricity bills to determine the total yearly energy consumption in Kilowatt-hour (kWh) energy units and enter that number here. The calculator will size a Solar PV system to offset the specified amount of energy on a yearly basis.
Desired Annual Energy Off-set with Solar PV*
Being 100% Net-Zero means that you are producing as much energy as you consume in one year; this relies on sizing a system to produce excess energy during the peak producing Summer months, resulting in energy credits that can be used in the Fall and Winter; however, depending on your how many solar panels can be installed on the roof, or your local net-metering agreement details, it may be necessary to off-set a smaller portion of your energy consumption. The Direct-load-displacement method (typically off-setting 25-33% of annual consumption) uses a smaller Solar PV system to avoid exporting power out to the grid, and solely focuses on directly powering the day-time electrical loads with Solar PV power instead.
Select the Province and Nearest City/Town to where your site is located. This will select the appropriate data to approximate the solar potential in your area.
Nearest City/Town*